A walk down Memory Lane

We had a wedding in North MS on New Year’s eve, and on our way back home, I had to stop by my hometown. We went to my Grandmother’s house where my mom grew up, and it was so sad to see everything so forgotten. I walked and cried, and remembered all the wonderful times we had at Grandma Poe’s house.

Paw Paw Poe’s tractor parts. (I’m not real sure what it is) : )

The back of the house from the driveway.

One of the outbuildings

The front of the house. That porch has seen many a family gathering and gospel singing. There is a walkway made of bricks that had holes in the sides. That was one of the favorite hiding places for Easter eggs.


The cattle barn across the road where we played in the hayloft.

It makes me sad to realize that my kids have never been there. They never got to have those types of memories that I had of walking into the kitchen on Sunday after church, and washing our hands in the porcelain bowls set up on the side counter by the door. Or the huge fireplace and the constant smell of woodsmoke even in the summer. Or going to gather the eggs in the hen house. It makes me sad that they never got to have dinner on the grounds at that little old church where I went as a child. Memories can be both wonderful and heart wrenching all at the same time, but I wouldn’t trade my memories for anything in the world.

Published in: on January 5, 2009 at 2:04 pm  Leave a Comment  

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